This week is the last week from the 8 Week cycle. We test your progressions from the strength cycles and the conditioning from the exact same wods from the first week of the cycle.
Next Week we start a short 4 Week Cycle
WARM UP 3 rounds for quality of:
Low Dragon Stretch, 1 min
10 PVC Front Squats
10 Push-ups
10 Barbell Good Mornings, 20/15 kg
SHORT METCON 4 rounds for time of:
4 Power Cleans, 61/42.5kg
4 Front Squats, 61/42.5kg
4 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 135/42.5kg
SPRINT Complete as many rounds as possible in 4 mins of:
21 Row Calories
21 Burpees
21 Toes-to-bars
COOL DOWN For time:
Banded Hamstring Stretch, 3 mins
Dragon Stretch, 2 mins