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WOD - Mi 18.08.21

WARM UP For quality:

20 Serratus Wall Slides

Inch Worm, 10m

10 Bent Over Barbell Rows

10 Front Squats

10 Strict Press

STRENGTH CONDITIONING 3 rounds for time of:

10 Deadlifts, 125/83 lbs

50 Double Unders

METCON Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 mins of:

15 Russian Kettlebell Swings, 24/16 kg

Kettlebell Goblet Walking Lunge, 24/16 kg, 15 m

8/6 Strict Pull-ups

COOL DOWN For quality:

Ski Erg, 5 mins

Wall Pec Stretch, 2 mins

Pigeon Stretch, 2 mins

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Alle ansehen

Bernstrasse 225, 3627 Heimberg

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