For athletes who need more than normal programming.
if you do not have the opportunity to train 2 sessions per day, you can also put together your own session.
1. Strength
A. Jerk
1 RM Split Jerk
B. Squat
A. Front Squat 5x2 find a heavy double of the day
B. 4×4 Front Squat with 90% of A.
2. Gymnastics
10 Rounds for Quality
10 Pistols (5/side)
5 Strict HSPU or Deficit HSPU*
* scale to Kipping HSPU
3. Conditioning
4 Rounds for time of
3 Burpee Ring Muscle ups*
6 Hang Squat Clean Thruster, 60/40kg
12 Cals on Assault Bike
18 Cals on Rower
Scale: * Jumping RMU
4. Accessory
5 rounds NOT for time of:
5 Strict Press, heavy
10 Double DB Strict Press
10 Weighted GHD SU
10 Weighted GHD Back Ext.