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COMPETITION - Fr 03.09.21

For athletes who need more than normal programming.

if you do not have the opportunity to train 2 sessions per day, you can also put together your own session.


1. Squat Snatch

EMOM 10'

Increase weight every Min

2. Clean & Jerk

5x Power Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

3. Squat

EMOMx10: 1 Back Squat, across

4. Gymnastic

50 Strict HSPU for Quality

Scale to kipping or Feet on Box HSPU

5. Conditioning


10 Sumo Deadlift High pull, 50/30

10 Lateral Burpees over Bar

6. Accessory

Not for time:

3 Rounds for Quality

500m Row

30 GHD Sit Ups

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