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ACCESSORY - Sa 30.10.21

Vor oder Nach dem WOD, wähle zwischen: Strength🏋️, Bootie🍑, Bicep💪 oder 6️⃣📦Bauch.


For time:

4 rounds of:

10 Good Morning or GHD Back Ext.

10 Strict Press, heavy

-- then --

3 rounds of:

20 Double DB reverse fly, pick load

20 Double DB Strict Press, medium

-- then --

2 rounds of:

30 banded face pull

30 Piked HSPU from Box

-- then --

1 Round of:

40 TRX Y Flys

40 DB side raises


Do the Long version!

Belly fat has to go! It hides the sickpack!

Long version

100 Mountain Climber (50/50)

Every Break do 400m Ski

Short version:

100 Mountain Climber (50/50)

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Bernstrasse 225, 3627 Heimberg

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