WARM UP 3 rounds for quality of:
5 Parallette Push-ups
5 Parallette Dips
5 Squat Jump Laterally Over Paralletts Parallette
L-Sit Hold, 5 secs
CORE A single set of L Sit On Parallettes for max reps.
then: Every 1 min for 10 mins, alternating between:
Plank Hold, 30 secs
Tuck/L Sit (Parrallets), 30 secs
LONG TEAM 1: Team Workout AMRAP 15’
Partner A:
200m Farmer Carry
Partner B+C:
Spartan Tire flips (flip, jump/step into and back out of tire for 1 rep)
Your team’s score is the number of Spartan tire flips completed Partner A Farmer Carry 200m Partner B+C Tire Flips, rotate after Farmer carry.
No Rest into:
LONG TEAM 2: For distance:
Sled Pull, 15 mins