WARM UP 5' 3 rounds for quality of:
5 Parallette Push-ups
5 Parallette Dips
5 Squat Jump Laterally Over Paralletts
Parallette L-Sit Hold, 5 secs
CORE A single set of L Sit On Parallettes for max reps.
--THEN-- Every 1 min for 9 mins, alternating between:
L Sit Hold, 20 secs
12 V-ups Superman Hold, 2 kg, 30 secs*
*1.25kg or more in each hand
Share the Stations with a Partner (its needed for the Tire Flips; if needed)
Every 3 mins for 30 mins do:
A-- Sled Pull, 115/90 kg, 60 m (pull or push it there and back)
B-- [ 5 Bench Press + 5 Tire Flips ], 75% 1RM
C-- 10 Sandbag Over Shoulders, 70/45 kg
D-- [10 Wall Balls + 1 Rope Climb]
E-- 40/30 Ski Erg Calories 5 Suicide Runs
A-- ...
B-- usw...