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WOD - Mi 21.10.20


Core 10 Minute EMOM: - 10-15s L-Sit on Rings Then: 10 Minute EMOM: - 1 Turkish Get Up (5 total per each arm)

Metcon For Time: 30-20-10-5 - Abmat Sit Up (no swing) - Medicine Ball Clean @ 9/6kg (10 Minute Cap)



A: Pause Clean

3 x 3 @ 55% of clean and jerk Pause at the mid thigh. Shoulder joint should be centered over the bar Balance should be in the midfoot Bar in line with the front of ankle joint

B: Power Clean + Squat Clean

5 x Sets of 1+1 @ 85%

C: Paused Front Squat

4 x 3 @ 85% of clean and jerk

D: Good Mornings

1 x 3 @  RPE 8/10

RPE 10/10 effort being the hardest thing you've ever done

E: Good Mornings

3 x 5  @  85% of D:

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