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WOD - Mi 14.10.20

CrossFit Class

30 min Clock:

00:00-10:00 MIN

10 Min AMRAP

Diane* 21-15-9 reps, for time of:

Deadlift, 225/155 lbs

Handstand Push-up

10:00-30:00 MIN

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 mins of:

1 Muscle-up

2 Tire Flip

3 Box Jump Overs, 75/60 cm

30 Double Unders

* Note Diane Time (21/15/9)

Weightlifting Class

A: Pause Clean 

(3 x 3 @ 45% of clean and jerk) Shoulder joint should be centered over the bar Balance should be in the midfoot Bar in line with the front of ankle joint

B: Power Clean + Squat Clean 

(5 x Sets of 1+1 @ 80%)

C: Paused Front Squat 

(5 x 3 @ 80% of clean and jerk)

D: Good Mornings 

(1 x 3 @  RPE 7/10 ) RPE 10/10 effort being the hardest thing you've ever done

E: Good Mornings 

(3 x 5  @  85% of the above )

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