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WOD - Fr 05.11.21


Work on pull-ups or the pull-up progression for 10 minutes.


As many reps as possible in 12 mins of:

2 Strict Chin-ups

2 Sumo Deadlifts, 120/85 kg

4 Strict Chin-ups

4 Sumo Deadlifts, 120/85 kg

6 Strict Chin-ups

6 Sumo Deadlifts, 120/85 kg ...

Continue adding 2 reps each round to each movement until time expires.

GYMPLAN - Accessory

4 Rounds

5 Barbell shrugs

10 TRX Lunge Jumps

3 Rounds

10 Barbell Strict Press

20 Double DB Romanian Deadlift

2 Rounds

15 TRX Squat To Y Fly

30 TRX Tricep Extentions

1 Round

20 TRX W Fly

40 Banded Tricep ext.

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