WARM UP: Every 1 min for 8 mins do:
1 3 Position Squat Clean, pick load
3 Dip & Drives 1 Push Press, pick load A: 2 Power Clean + 3 Push Press
1x1 at 72% 1RM
2 Power Clean + 3 Push Press
1x1 at 74% 1RM
2 Power Clean + 3 Push Press
1x1 at 75% 1RM
2 Power Clean + 3 Push Press
1x1 at 77% 1RM
Rest as needed between sets.
B: Floating Snatch (2" Off Floor)
1x2 at 70% 1RM
1x2 at 71% 1RM
1x2 at 71% 1RM
1x2 at 72% 1RM
1x2 at 72% 1RM
Rest as needed between sets. Lift the bar up, start from hip move slow down till floating from hang 2" from the floor
Floating Snatch Pull 4x4 at 85% 1RM
85% of 1RM Floating Snatch Pull
115% of best snatch
For Quality
2x 50 Weighted Calf Raise
2x 50 Banded Knee Extension
2x 50 Banded Bicep Curl
2x 30 Weighted box step up, 60/50cm, pick weight
2x 50 Banded Tricep Extension
Rest 1 Min between sets