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Limited Equipment - Sa 07.08.21

Warm Up 2 Rounds: 100m Run 10 Inch worms 10 Backward lunge 10 Burpees

Workout 30 Minute AMRAP

5 Pull-ups * 5 Push-ups 10 Air Squats

Every 3 min starting at 0:00 10 Sandbag Sumo Deadlift High Pull 10 Shoulder to overhead

Use: 1-2

Sandbag, Kettlebell , Dumbell or Barbell

Substitutions Pull-up =

10 Bent over sandbag row

10 Single Arm Bent over DB/KB Row

5-10 Double Bent over DB/KB Row

Accessory 2 Rounds: Sit-ups 8 x 20s work 10s rest 2 Minutes rest in between rounds

Cool Down 2 min each Seated hamstring stretch Calf and achilles stretch Bottom of the lunge each leg

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