5 min any monostructural activity
Foam roll – 10-15 passes per bodypart
Lower and upper back
30s Couch stretch each leg
5 Air Squat
30s bottom of the squat
5 Air squat
10 Side lunge stretch (5 on each leg)
5 Air squat
1. EMOMx12
5-10 Sandbag KB or DB SDHP
Rest of each min AMREP: V-Ups
2. Sandbag, KB or DB Ground to Overhead
A. 1min AMRAP
Rest 2min
B. For time: Double the reps from A.
3. Strength 1
A. EMOM 7: 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 weighted dips
B. Complete 1 max set of unbroken strict dips
C. Complete 1 max set of unbroken kipping dips
4. Strength 2
3×10 Back Squats
4. Gymnastics Conditioning
5×60" Handstand Hold, rest as needed between sets
5. Conditioning
3 RFT:
400m Run
21 Burpees over Sandbag, KB or DB
21 Diamond Push ups
Cool Down
2 min each stretch