Use a Sandbag, Barbell or 1-2 KB/DB's for this workout.
Warmup 5 Rounds Not For Time: 20 Mountain climbers 20 Air squats 20 Sit-ups
Workout A. 4x400m Run
2min rest between sets
B. 5 Rounds For Time: 5 Sandbag Clean 5 Sandbag Zercher Squat or Front Squat or Goblet Squat 5 Sandbag forward throw OR Air Squat and Jump over KB/DB
C. 3 x Max set of strict pull-ups
3 x Max set Bent over Row
2-3min rest between sets
Accessory 3 Rounds: 20 Flutter kick 15 Toes to bar or V-Ups *Rest 1 min