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GYMNASTICS - Fr 23.04.21

A: 3 rounds for quality of:

Single Arm Ring Plank, 30 secs

Single Arm Ring Plank, 30 secs

10 Cuban Rotations

5 Strict L Pull-ups

Rest 1:30

B: 4 rounds for quality of:

15 Deficit Handstand Push-ups

Rest 1 min

3x (1x Toes To Bar + 1x Pullup + 1x Bar Muscle Ups)

Rest 1 min

* Bar complex 3x unbroken (1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1)


- 1-3x complex

- not unbroken 1-2 sets

C: Handstand Conditioning 5 rounds for time of:

Wall Facing Handstand Hold, 1 min

Rest 1 min

Max Effort Handstand Hold (Freestanding)

Rest 1 min

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