WARM UP Every 1 min for 6 mins, alternating between: Double Under, 30 secs Down-up, 30 secs Walk out with push-up, 30 secs ENDURANCE For 10 cycles:
AMReps in 2 mins of:
7 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
7 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
7 Power Cleans, 115/75 lbs
7 Push Jerks, 115/75 lbs
7 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
7 Dumbbell Snatches, 70/45 lbs
Max reps in time remaining, Assault Bike Calories
Rest 2 mins between each cycle.
For each cycle restart the AMRep.
-> 20 min monostructual cardio after the wod.
ski/row/bike RPE 5/10
COOL DOWN As many reps as possible in 5 mins of:
Foam Roll