1. Weightlifting 1
A. 15reps @ 75%
B. 10reps @ 80%
C. 5reps 85%
Rest as needed between reps
Don't has to be unbroken.
For Quality
2. Strength Work
A. 1×15 Overhead Squats unbroken, pick load
B. 1×10 Front Squats unbroken, pick load
C. 1×5 Back Squats unbroken, pick load
Rest as needed between sets.
3. Gymnastics Conditioning
A. 50 C2B Pull ups in as few sets as possible.
B. 30 Strict Pull ups in as few sets as possible.
C. 15 Muscle ups in as few sets as possible.
Rest as needed between sections.
Banded if needed
4. Weightlifting 2 - Conditioning
21-15-9 For time:
Power Clean, 60/40kg
Front Rack Lunges, 60/40kg
Push Jerks, 60/40kg