For athletes who need more than normal programming.
if you do not have the opportunity to train 2 sessions per day, you can also put together your own session.
20 Min Mobility work of your choice
Swim Run Bike Row
Four sets of:
5min slow
5min fast
Team Workout (only one at the time)
7min AMRAP
50 Bench Press 60/40kg
50 Bench Press 70/50kg
AMRAP rest of time with 80/60kg
3min Rest
7min AMRAP
50 Back Squat 80/50kg
50 Back Squat 90/60kg
AMRAP rest of time with 100/70kg
3min Rest
7min AMRAP
50 Toes to bar
50 Pull Up
AMRAP rest of time with Bar Muscle Ups