Vor oder Nach dem WOD, wähle zwischen: Strength🏋️, Bootie🍑, Bicep💪 oder 6️⃣📦Bauch.
🏋️💪 Deadlift 5×2 @ Heaviest weight across all sets
Pauses at knee for 2sec (up and down= 2 breaks) *Rest 2-3 min between sets
Weighted GHD Back Extentions or Good Morning, Heaviest
Standing KB/DB Tricep Extentions
After each round do:
10 TRX T- Fly
1min Rest till the next round
Do the Long version! Belly fat has to go! It hides the sickpack!
Long version 30min+:
3 Rounds of:
5 Min Run with 80% of MHR
1' High Plank Pos Hold (like Hollow hold on Hands)
5 Min Run with 80% of MHR
Long version 60min+:
4 Rounds of:
10 Min Run with 70% of MHR
1' High Plank Pos Hold (like Hollow hold on Hands)
10 Min Run with 70% of MHR
Short version:
3 Rounds of:
20sec Shuttle Run, 5m back and forth sprints
1' High Plank Pos Hold (like Hollow hold on Hands)