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ACCESSORY - Mo 23.08.21

Vor oder Nach dem WOD, wähle dein ACCESSORY: Bootie🍑, Bicep💪 oder 6️⃣📦Bauch.


3x12 Bench Press

*RPE 9/10


4x Super Sets

30 Banded Lateral Steps, 15L / 15R

30 Banded Forwar Walk, 15L / 15R

1-2min rest

--5 Min Rest--

4 Super Sets

8 DB Snatch


3x Super Set

7/7/7 Barbell/Z-Bar Bicep Curls

no rest into:

7/7/7 Barbell/Z-Bar Bench Lying Tricep Extentions

Rest as needed

*Workout Notes:

7x 1/2 half reps (starting position to middle position)

7x 1/2 half reps (from middle position to end position)

7 full reps (all the way)


3 Rounds

no rest between, unbroken

be fast but in good form:

max reps to failure hanging leg raise

Rest as needed

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Raphael Lüthi
Raphael Lüthi
Aug 23, 2021

Dä git supeer Muskukater

Raphael Lüthi
Raphael Lüthi
Aug 23, 2021
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