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ACCESSORY - Di 26.10.21

Vor oder Nach dem WOD, wähle zwischen: Strength🏋️, Bootie🍑, Bicep💪 oder 6️⃣📦Bauch.


For 20 min

10 DB Strict Arnold Press, pick weight 10 DB front raise, pick weight 10 DB side raise, pick weight 10 Canon ball Font squat, pick weight


Do the Long version!

Belly fat has to go! It hides the sickpack!

Long version

4 Rounds

50/40 cal Bike, @70% MHR

20 mountain climbers 30s plank hold 15 V-up

Short version:

4 Rounds 20 mountain climbers 30s plank hold 15 V-up *Rest 1 min between rounds

17 Ansichten0 Kommentare

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